If you are looking for
mIRC Inviter Script and bot inviter, we have available scripts ready for download. These mirc inviter scripts are optimized for different irc networks and for the ease of learning irc scripting. The mirc inviter and scrip have stealth settings and are easily customizable according to your needs. If you are trying to explore on the complexities of mirc scripting, then you can download these stealth inviter scripts.
Free bot inviter mirc scrip
Whichever mirc inviter script you choose to download (or you can try all), you will find learning mirc scripting faster and easier.
*Disclaimer: MassAds are prohibited in most IRC networks. The distribution of the scripts is for the purpose of learning irc scripting. Use the inviter scripts with proper care at your own risk!
mIRC Inviter Bot Downloads:
Stealth Relay Inviter
Stealth Join Inviter